'Broad City' is coming back later than sooner

Fans of stoner and feminist comedy who look forward to the top of the year strictly for Broad City are in for a shock: the show is coming back...in the summer. It's sad but true; season 4 is going to take a little while longer to make. This is maybe due in part to the leads' careers as comedy people. Abbi Jacobson is voice acting in the Lego Ninjago Movie and Bojack Horseman as well as doing live action drama for Netflix. Ilana Glazer is starring in the Emoji: Express Yourself movie and a movie from Broad City friend Paul W. Downs. Plus, all these movies are coming in 2017. So, yeah, they have no time for stuff. Broad CIty will return in August BUT -- in the meantime -- check out this video the ladies made.