VOTW: Normal Genitals, Orphans and Catcalling

Is My Pussy Normal?

Three girls talking about their vaginas is supposed to be my fantasy. Instead, I'm sitting here laughing. Is there such a thing as a regular vagina? No. And one will never exist.

There Were Never Any Orphans! - Notary Publix

Aidy Bryant and Kate McKinnon have launched a new series on Above Average. Surely that has to be enough incentive for you to watch. Along with the stars, there's a funny script that allows the actresses to be as melodramatic as possible. Also, hardcore soft focus.

Catcalling - RAGE (IFC Comedy Crib)

The latest episode of RAGE on the Comedy Crib is an homage to A Clockwork Orange -- the movie, not the book. Who reads books anyway? Nerds. I digress. This video includes a torture scene that I'm sure is definitely you fetish.