VOTW: All White Oscars, Office Courtroom, & Organic Fruit Snacks

Welcome to Videos of the Week, newest addition to the C+ Family. Here you'll find videos to which you are not usually privy. Only the weirdest and best shorts, skits and documentaries are accumulated for this. Check them out and support young artists!


Rage - Stealing Credit

This one is a Comedy Crib original. UCB Comedy's Dawn Luebbe tries to get her friend credit for her idea. Don't you hate it when someone steals your brain babies? 


The Oscars Haven't Changed Since 1940 - Lash

Keisha Zollar stars in this sketch about the Oscars rewarding the first black actress with an award in the early 1900's. Made with the 2015 Oscars in mind, this video is a monotone but satiric look at minorities' positions in the Academy Awards circuit. 


Why Organic Fruit Snacks Shouldn't Market to Kids - It's Past My Bedtime

Topher Harless and his motley crew have another sketch. This time, they take a harsh look at what could be considered how hipster's raise their children. Stop giving your kids healthy foods! Let them get fatter so that they can be used as bait during the apocalypse! Children are NOT our future! Just kidding; I'm loco for local. Eat healthy, dummies.

IFC, Above Average & UCB Now Have an Online Crib for Comedy

The channel formally known as the independent film channel and now currently known as the incredibly funny channel [sic] has launched an online comedy hub.  

Dubbed IFC Comedy Crib, the site will be an online comedy hub for short form comedy from Crib co-creators Above Average and UCB. Four brand new web series have already debuted and more are set to come. 

Comedy Crib is an interesting project to get behind. For one, it will bring new comedic talent to the forefront. It looks like it will  also be a place for experimentation among its collaborators. Check out the series that the IFCCC has to offer below.

ClickBait Overload: Produced by UCB, ClickBait Overload offers viewers an inside glimpse of comedy’s creative process by gathering UCB comedians and challenging them to take two random topics, marry them together and then create, write and film a killer sketch video. Two catches: they have to incorporate unexpected props and they only have eight hours to pull it off.

Laurie: Starring Natasha Vaynblat and also produced by UCB, Laurie is a workplace comedy about a wildly imaginative assistant who goes to elaborate lengths to avoid doing anything productive in the office.

John and Geoff are Married: Created by comedians John Murray and Geoff Garlock, starring as two friends whose social lives change now that they are happily married (not to each other) with kids. They try to interpret potential flirting, boast about sexual conquests and fight to keep their sacred friendship in tact.

Comedy Drop: An IFC web series where comedians spring impromptu stand-up routines on unsuspecting audiences (some not even human) in unexpected locations such as barbershops, parks and costume shops – giving viewers a front row seat to the awkward places comedians will go for a laugh.