T.J. Miller, Marc Maron, Pete Holmes & Others "Am Road Comics"

Standuper/Director Jordan Brady is making a followup to his 2010 documentary about comedians, I Am Comic. The new film, I Am Road Comic, follows Brady on a comedy journey after he is offered a headlining job. T.J. Miller, Marc Maron, Pete Holmes, Judah Friedlander, Niki Glaser, W. Kamau Bell, Maria Bamford, Doug Benson, Wayne Federman, Jen Kirkman, Tom Rhodes, Jim Norton, Alonzo Bodden and more are among the interviewees. 

Star Wars From A to Z to (Chewbacca Noise)

Star Wars is that series that can seemingly never die even though the expanded universe has been abolished. And with the newest film over a year away, you need to fill in that need for all things Star Wars-y. I would suggest watching the animated Clone Wars because it's such a good show but if you're up for it, here's a video that takes every word from the original film and alphabetizes them. What kind of monster would do such a thing? You tell me. 

The creator of the video, Tom 7, provides the audience will all appropriate information such as how many words the film uses (about 1695 individual English words!). "The" is the most common word used with over 368 mentions.

The Trailer For The Rock's "Hercules" Looks Incredibly Bad Ass

If you've been following Dwayne The Rock Rippling  Biceps Johnson on any one of his social media accounts, then you know he is starring in an upcoming adaptation of Hercules. It's the role he was born to play. I mean, just look at him. He's perfect for the role. 

In the trailer there's a giant CG lion and his hot wife and his long flowing hair. It has everything! Even The Rock's chest. His supple chest. Check out the trailer after the break. Hercules comes out in July.