Episode 173 - A Pretty Good Effort

“It costs money to stop a show; it costs money to make a show. It costs money to start a show back up."

Truer words have never been spoken. Those words came from Chad. This week, he returns from two weeks off of this dumb show to talk about TV and movies coming back into production and how the Academy is changing rules for eligibility. Hint: movies must be diverse in front of and behind the camera by 2024.

Academy sets new rules for inclusion in Best Picture nominees

Advertisers look to digital TV to make up for losses during the pandemic

Guidelines for shows and movies to go back into production

"The Mandalorian" production provides path for other shows to return

Shows coming back soon

Shooting permits in LA already being accepted

Atlanta shows starting up again

Restarting is costly

It costs money to stop a show; it costs money to make a show. It costs money to start a show back up." Truer words have never been spoken. Those words came f...